Frequently Asked Questions
Do you charge by the hour?
No, you are charged by the job, and only if completed successfully.
I would like to purchase two or more keys, is there special pricing?
Yes, you will get 25% off each additional key.​
Do I need to provide any documents proving ownership?
Yes, you are required to provide valid photo ID, registration and insurance (or title). Additional documents may be required on a case-by-case basis.​
Do you offer a guarantee?
Yes, if there is no obvious damage, each key is guaranteed for at least 90 days. In the rare event a malfunction of any kind occurs, the key will be replaced free of charge.​
​I've lost my keys and it's outside of your regular business hours! What should I do?
In almost all scenarios, both during regular business hours and outside of normal business hours, please have your car towed to your home and we will take care of you ASAP. This optimizes your experience and provides further assurance that the car is owned by you.
Do you change or rekey auto locks?
Unfortunately, no. Our trade is solely focused on immobilizer/key systems and making physical keys for said locks.
What's your average turn-around time?
It typically takes 1-3 days from initial request to job completion, though sooner is possible.​ Emergency situations, like all-keys-lost, will be given priority.
I'm a car thief and would like to pay you to steal a car for me. Is this a service you offer?